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I’ve created this site as an interactive CV for my career to date and my future projects ,if you are interested in my work, and I can support your organisation, please Contact Me - here



As digital technology slowly replaces the traditional print media industry, I’ve found it important to provide a central place to connect with a wider audience. Here you'll find samplings of my work, ranging from published news stories to more personal pieces. I’ve produced work for a variety of organizations which I invite you to explore and enjoy on my site.


BBC Social - See The Person Not the Disability


 Rock Sport Radio - Presenter  - to Feb 2018

Anything You Can Do was a weekly magazine show , dedicated entirely to disability sports news , events and interviews. 

This is a new format that I hope to develop in future on another platform to include other disability issues. 


 East Renfrewshire Disability Action ( ERDA) - Chair for Terms 2017-24

ERDA aims to achieve equality for people with disabilities in and around East  Renfrewshire.  We aim to provide Advocacy - Inclusion - Accessible Information - Raise  Awareness - Supporting  People - Campaigning and Lobbying. We welcome new  members , whether disabled or able bodied,  to further these aims. 


Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS) - Contributor to IRISS FM - July 2013 - April 2023

I interviewed different organisations and individuals within Disability and Mental Health Sectors, these form regular

 PODcasts on IRISS FM.  Some of these can be found in the Blogs section here


Able Radio-Scottish Presenter -Oct 2010 - January 2016  

I was only Scottish based DJ for online based Disability Radio Station , Able Radio.

As the first live station of it’s kind, their remit is to present shows and discuss issues at the heart of the disability community. 

I provide regular reports about Scots' disability issues for their current affairs programmes - see Able Media Tab.  I hosted my own show, which aired every Thursday evening from 7-8pm. 


Employment Champion -Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability -  December 2009 -July 2013

As part of my role I travelled to different organisations around Scotland, to large groups and conferences  presenting 

My Journey -  a rare insight into the barriers faced by those with a disability on their journey into employment. 

I also developed and produced SCLD's monthly online podcast, regularly interviewing local council and industry spokespeople,  

in order to further highlight the issues facing  employment for people with  learning disabilities. 

I no longer carry out this role for SCLD , but continue to present on a freelance basis.


Columnist , Learning Disability Today and Posability - July 2011 – Present

I wrote a monthly column for two of the most prominent UK magazines in Disability sector.  My articles cover a  broad range of contemporary issues  in society - from gaining employment  ,to dating , and representation of disability rights.


Co-Founder - Saltire Sounds - March 2011- Current  

We created Saltire Sounds as an online based promotions agency for unsigned artists to have a platform to showcase their music and get live gigs. In July 2011 we provided a stage at Tall Ships Greenock for 16 unsigned acts to play alongside signed acts such as Deacon Blue and Lulu. In October that same year we provided 17 acts for a children's charity fundraiser, Savifest , in Glasgow Barrowlands.   


Workforce Solutions - DVD in conjuction with Scottish Social Services Council –

I played one of the lead roles in an educational DVD, a resource to employers who support disability issues in the community 


  Comedy Cafe- Radio Scotland - Disability in Media - 1st June, 2012 

I was part of discussion panel about the portrayal and representation of the disability community in the media , presented by Janice Forsyth. 


Don't Judge a Book by It's Cover  - Producer / Presenter 

 In 2009 I spent 9 months making a short film  in partnership with Project Ability , a Glasgow based Visual Arts organisation. My film has achieved high critical acclaim,  and was shown as part of the Disability Film Festival  in the Glasgow Film Theatre 

I was also nominated , and reached final 3 , for UK Based Flash Forward award in 2010. 


Producer /Presenter , Short Film for  East Renfrewshire Council - 2013 

 I worked on a short film in 2013 ,commisioned by East Renfrewshire Council, on how they work to support people with learning disabilities to gain employment. 


Stage Actor  - QFusion Company  : I Saw Something Else - August 2012

 I performed in a stage play about an issue which is often hidden among people with learning disabilities - Sexual Abuse .  

The production was made up of seven actors with learning disabilities, and two professional actors from the QFusion theatre company . We came up with the subject for the play and it's script ourselves within a week , which Colin Healy ,founder of  QFusion Company and Events,helped us to write. We toured with the play to a range of organisations in Scotland,  and was also available for use as a workshop or as part of training course.  Other plays were about Hate Crime against people with a disability , and also issues surrounding self directed support , we toured up to September 2013 and planning more shows in near future. 



 Co Host , Pulse FM -  June 2009 - November 2010

 I hosted 2 different programmes at East Renfrewshire based community radio station, Pulse FM - Saturday afternoon live from 3pm to 5pm for a few months, and then I moved to co-presenting their breakfast show from 7:30am to 10am Monday to Friday. The Saturday programme was a music and chat show , where I selected the tracks and ran the mixing desk . The Breakfast Show was very upbeat with music , chat , involved reading the news on the hour , and doing travel updates every 20 minutes.


Presenter  , Sunny G Radio , Govan -Aug 2004 - Sept 2005

 This was the first of my own radio shows. I hosted an hour long music and chat show every Monday, an internet station at that time ( it is FM station). I was responsible for selecting the music , presenting the show, ran the mixing desk,fading in and out the music , with a live news opt in at the top of the hour. 


 Co Presenter  , FPR Radio August 2001 to July 2004

 I co presented a 3 hour Live music and chat programme Monday to Friday from 1pm to 4pm, for Ferguslie Park's Radio , a local  RSL station. The programme also had interviews with guests in the studio and down the line, phone in requests , competitions and prize giveaways. I interviewed celebrities , susch as Karen Dunbar, The McDonald Brothers, the Late Kerry McGregor, Paul Coia and dance act, Tippi. 


Co presenter and producer  , Hospital Radio -  January 2001 to December 2009

I worked for Hospital Radio one night a week for 8 years . I started out going around the wards asking for requests and name checks . Then I moved on to producing the sports news. They has two studios where I did training in how to use a mixing desk ,  presentation and microphone skills. I've got a passion for radio and music , I've always been into it since I was a wee boy,  so working at Hospital Radio was a great opportunity . It gave me my first insight into what it's like to be  on the radio and the chance to start developing radio skills and technique. 


 EDUCATION & TRAINING  -  Based at Motherwell College 


National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) Administration  - May 2004

Television : Basic Single Camera Operation on Location  - Higher  - March 2003

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Press Conference Microphones
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