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World Cerebral Palsy Day


Today is World Cerebral Palsy (CP) Day, as someone who was born with cerebral palsy, I've achieved a lot in my life and proud of who I've become.

The global movement started in 2012 , there are over 17 million people across the world living with Cerebral Palsy, also another 350 million people are closely connected to a child or adult with CP.

This is a lifelong neurological condition that affects a person to ability to control their movement, posture and balance, remember no two people experience the condition in the same way , for me it's just a label as we're all individuals.

The day aims to bring together people ,their families, carers and organisations from over 100 countries, me my disability doesn't hold me back, I was determined to do what I wanted to do in life , to be a journalist.

Looking back to school , I had to learn how to walk and attended speech therapy, people who know me best still say to this day I've never shut up.

I went to a disabled school in Glasgow, or what is known as a special needs primary then high school , but what it special about a school?.

When I finished I went to Motherwell College,but I was allocated to a basic life skills course, I didn't want to do, I wasn't asked what course I'd like to do, so I pushed to get on a business course and won a place.

My dream was still to work in the media , recommended the best place to start was on hospital radio, I was there for 8 years, I asked if I could do a sport round up, then I moved onto a few community radio stations.

Forward till today, I'm now a freelance journalist, I've work for the BBC on tv and radio, STV and various newspapers outlets.

I recently hosted at 10th annual Cerebral Palsy Conference, the only condition focused event in UK, I've been to many different conferences over the years, this one is important to me, to hear from people with CP and the barriers we still face today in society.

Cerebral Palsy Scotland organisation can offer individual therapy seasons to adults who are 18 and over, virtual annual assessment helps monitor the condition and look after your wellbeing.

More information can be found at

Remember be proud of who you are , and Never give up on your life goals, it's all about the Ability not the disability.

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