If you have a disability it doesn't mean not having a relationship, it's a human right.
I recently attended a conference hosted by Dates-n-Mates, their first annual event since becoming an independent charity in 2023
The conference was called "Love Without Limits" a good name for an important event.
Dates-n-Mates, launched in 2008, is Scotland 's national dating and friendship charity , run by and for adults with a learning disability.
They have 20 staff, based across Glasgow, Aberdeen, Falkirk, Stirling, Clackmannanshire and Renfrewshire. Earlier this year they were one of the finalists at the Scottish charity awards.
Each branch offers regular events and opportunities for members to get involved in a variety of venues in their own community, their work is underpinned by a human rights based approach, a belief of the right to live free of discrimination, to develop friendships and relationships.
The conference focused on human rights and the barriers that people experience when it comes to having a relationship, also challenged the stigma around dating , sex and love , by sharing impactful stories from member experiences. Real life experience stories are so inspiring and powerful , pushing back to society ideologies that might deny human rights. There should be no barriers to relationships, whether with or without a disability.
Scottish Commission for People with Learning Disabilities(SCLD) created a survey called ‘Relationships Matter,’ carried out in 2019. A total of 1232 responses were received, making this the first large scale survey of people with learning disabilities conducted in Scotland for over ten years.
Some key findings include:
52% of people occasionally, sometimes, or often felt lonely
9% often felt lonely, compared to 5% of the general population
Only 5% of respondents lived with a partner, compared to 56% of the general population
Only 3% of respondents were married compared to 47% of the general population
21% of people did not see their family as often as they liked
19% of people did not see their friends as often as they liked
27% of people in a relationship did not see their partner as often as they liked
This was an important survey SCLD did, and raised awareness of people's human rights being infringed, where if not carried out the gravity of if may never have been highlighted.
Dates-n-Mates does an amazing job to champion this work, I hope they continue to grow for years to come.
More information on love without limits or to become a member of Dates-n-Mates can be found on their website www.datesnmates.org
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